SEO Facts to Keep in Mind While Building Links

The landscape of SEO and link building has significantly evolved. Today, more emphasis is on deep-content and high-quality links. But the leading SEO company in India agrees that link building is still the hardest part of their job.

Google, with various updates like Panda, Penguin, HummingBird, Pigeon, and more, it mainly focuses on better search results and removing spam links/contents. When you build links, make sure to keep in mind some important facts.

Key Link Building Facts

1. Link Quality:

Quality content drives organic link building that rewards with better visibility on SERPs. Links from higher authority sites and barring thin-content, are quality links. All major SEOs calculate the number of such links steering to your website to rank it. You can hire any top SEO company in India to help you build such quality links.

2. Relevant Anchor Text:

Anchor text provides both search engines and users with relevant information. You cannot control how other websites link your site to them. Consequently, the SEO experts in India,  focus on making relevant anchor text on your website, that is useful and descriptive and overall benefits you.

Example of a relevant anchor text

In, target link is and, anchor link is the following segment - <on-site-seo-factors/>.

When someone uses the above anchor text and link to their website, it automatically identifies the company behind as an expert and promotes that company.

3. Internal Links:

They are useful for establishing site architecture and spreading link equity. SEOs need access to a defined crawlable link structure for their spiders to browse millions of web pages. Many people make a grave mistake to hide or bury the main link navigation. It hinders search engines from accessing the content. As a result, a webpage might not get listed.

So consult with an SEO expert in India when you link your older relevant content with the newly added content. They can make sure your content is accessible and not left in a vacuum.

4. Content Expansion:

It means repurposing your content to all the available platforms. You can do expansion through promoting your content, not just on Google or Bing but further to - Apple iTunes, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Medium, SoundCloud, etc., and as a guest post on other sites. It ensures that your content is complacent with more than just one single SEO.

Additionally, use a keyword string, to distribute your content on more prominent publications like Entrepreneur, Forbes, Fast Company, and Business Insider as well as on marketing sites like Social Media Examiner, HubSpot, and more for further content expansion.

5. Building Backlinks:

It's like when other sites use your web pages and website as links. For search engines like Google, the links are key for ranking websites. The more the content is valuable, credible, and useful, the higher is the chance of it getting linked, across the internet. The goal for building quality backlinks must be E.A.T.(Effective, Authoritative, and Trustworthy). It is one of the most advanced strategies of SEO and can generate much traffic.

We hope you find the above facts and information useful for building links and boosting your SERP rankings. Reach out to a competent and more equipped SEO company in India to strengthen your organic search today.


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